Sunday 26 February 2012

love my lecturer

I love so much my lecturer Madam you want to know why guys? because she so fun and happy always...

Sunday 8 January 2012

Freak monday!

Today is a very strange in my life ... you want to know why? this morning before I left the house to go to class, I saw a young catswho only have one ear only .. do not you think it strange? hmmm,so when I reached the bus terminal, I noticed that the longer a blindold uncle, but could cross the road without anyone's help .. greatright? but strange .... hehehe ... and the amazing thing is that when I reached the class of all class org tengo tu me ... I think and speakin the heart of "what is not wrong with me today? you know what I think? hahahaha ... I think everyone in the class why tu see me,maybe I was handsome .. hehehe ... but perhaps that's only myfeeling alone ..... ....